Review of Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design
Review of Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design
by Matti Leisola and Jonathan Witt
Heretic 1
Heretic 1
We are faced with an alarming trend of rising atheism in our youth today. I will address this undesired trend and provide actions that parents, youth , and we as individuals can implement to help decrease this trend. Otherwise, as President Reagan said, “A nation not under God is a nation already gone under.” Let us all please rise to the challenge and reverse this trend.
Being somewhat of a newcomer to the ongoing scientific discussion in this newsletter, and coming from a nonscientific perspective, I feel a bit like a junior soccer player competing in the World Cup—definitely out of my league. Still, my experience as an English as a Second Language teacher has provided me a unique vantage point from which to observe one of the greatest evidences for God’s creation: Language. I am convinced that the language ability of human beings confirms our identity as creatures made in the image of God. In this article, I would like to share a portion of a paper written for a theology class at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina.
As scientific creationists we can, if we are not careful, become focused on our main issue of the historical and scientific accuracy of the Creation / Fall / Flood / Tower of Babel account of Genesis 1-11 to the point that we fail to remember that our greater mission is to uphold the authority of the entire Bible. But our underlying and greatest mission as believers in Jesus is to make disciples as we go into the world. That was the last of all the commands of our Lord Jesus that we are to obey. Our effort to uphold the truth of Genesis is only one important tool that helps Christians to effectively present the gospel as being a reasonable thing for the world to believe by faith.
May’s newsletter is dedicated to recent findings in science related to creation. It reflects the author’s interests and is by no means comprehensive or exhaustive.
These three men are some of the finest creation scientists alive today! Plan now to take advantage of these rare opportunities.