Weather Equilibrium and Climate Change

We are not aware of how advanced the antediluvians were with meteorological sciences or how high the civilization reached technologically. We find many fascinating objects buried in coal that are believed to come from that period. It is considered that the first attempts to predict the weather were around 650 BC in the Babylon Empire. By the third century BC the Chinese had developed “a meteorological calendar that divided the year into twenty-four festivals, each dedicated to a different meteorological situation.” 

Review of Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen C. Meyer: Part 1

Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe is Stephen C. Meyer's most recent book advancing scientific arguments for intelligent design in nature. In his previous books, Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt, Meyer focused on the origin of the information in biology. In Return, Meyer expands the discussion to include physics and cosmology. Meyer examines the origin of the universe, the fine tuning of physics, the origin of life, the information in biomolecules, the Cambrian Explosion, and macroevolution. And, in contrast to his former works, in Return Meyer explains why Christian theism is the best explanation for what we see in nature.

Restoring the Truth About Origins: Book II—Introduction, Availability, and Overview

We are excited to announce that the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation's (TASC's) Restoring the Truth about Origins: Book II is now available! We pray and hope you will purchase copies for yourself, your children, and friends as gifts to enjoy and be better edified on this important topic of origins. What we think about our origins has had a profound influence on the thinking and actions in our society in the past and today and will in the future, especially on our children. So we encourage you to get copies today (see ordering information under Availability and Purchase heading below and note particularly our current Christmas Special 25% Discount for purchases of Books I and II)!

Restoring the Truth About Origins: Books I and II provide a lasting testimony with praise and glory to God our Creator and Christ our Creator and Savior, Genesis chapters 1–11 and Colossians 1:14–17. Now, the publishing and availability of Restoring the Truth About Origins: Book II represents an additional contribution to TASC. TASC will receive a portion of the sales to provide more sufficient funding of our services, particularly more creation/creation science (C/CS) conferences that are needed. With this expected additional funding, we have already stepped out on faith and scheduled a C/CS conference for 2020. Importantly, this Restoring the Truth About Origins: Book II strongly supports our TASC mission, which is to rebuild and strengthen the foundation of the Christian faith by increasing awareness of the scientific evidence supporting the literal Biblical account of creation and refuting evolution. Are we the result of blind chemical and physical processes, or of the creative act of a loving, all-powerful God?

Review of Jonathan Wells’s New Book Zombie Science (Part 2)


Zombie Science book cover
Figure 1

This is Part 2 of a two-part series on Konathan Wells's new book Zombie Science. 1 Wells is a noted intelligent design (ID) advocate and author of the influential book Icons of Evolution. 2 Most of Part 1 was dedicated to reviewing the original Icons. 3  Here in Part 2, several new icons of evolution will be discussed such as whale evolution, the human appendix, human “tails,” “junk” DNA, the “poor” design of the human eye, antibiotic resistance, and cancer. Other topics such as the impact of evolutionary thinking on education, medicine, social mores, human dignity, and science itself will be touched upon. As before, this review will explore the more important points brought out in the book, chapter by chapter. Wells, who has his doctorate in molecular and cell biology, is a good writer with a keen command of his subject. He writes clearly and concisely with penetrating insight and a sense of humor.