Sharing Our Creation / Creation Science Message

For this month’s newsletter article I will take the opportunity to share two creation / creation science messages that will help you become equipped to share and encourage you to share with others. One is The Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC) upcoming, September 8, Origins 2012 Conference. The other will be a personal sharing experience with my nephew which represents our critical need to share with our youth and adults in these challenging times when the worldviews are influencing us and causing many to give up our faith in God our Creator.

Geological Unconformities: What Are They and How Much Time Do They Represent?

Geological Unconformities
Fig. 1

What are unconformities and what do they mean to young-earth, biblical creationists? The simple definition is that they are surfaces, usually seen as a linear contact in a vertical rock outcrop or exposure, that separate younger overlying rock strata or layers from the older strata below. They are interpreted by uniformitarian (evolutionist and “old-earth creationist”) geologists as gaps in the record, each gap representing missing time and sediments. But is this interpretation warranted by the field evidence?