Genesis Chronologies

Differences among ancient Genesis sources

Usher's MT-based date of 4004 BC for creation week in Genesis when compared to the LXX-derived date of 5560 BC 1 gives a difference of 1556 years. How to explain this?

There are other differences, some of which are summarized in the table below:

Differences between MT and LXX 2
Adam to Flood Flood to Abraham Adam to Abraham
MT 1656 years 352 years 2008 years
LXX 2262 years 1132 years 3394 years
Difference 606 years 780 years 1386 years
  • 1This date is arrived at by adding the years from Adam to the flood, 2262, to the date of the flood, 3298 BC, giving the result of 5560 BC.
  • 2This chart is based on data taken from (at 15:41 min)

Restoring the Truth About Origins: Book I—Introduction, Availability and Overview

Figure 1 - Front cover of the book

We are excited to announce that TASC‘s Restoring the Truth About Origins: Book I is now available! We pray and hope you will purchase copies for yourself, family, and associates as gifts to enjoy and be even better edified on this important topic of origins. What we think about our origins has had a profound influence on the thinking and actions in our society in the past and will today and in the future. So we encourage you to get copies today (see ordering information under Availability and Purchasing heading below)!

Miraculous Failed Invasion of Sennacherib

Assyrian prism

Clay prism describing Sennacherib's siege on Jerusalem

One question often heard concerning creation and man’s origins, as well as life’s origins, is whether Biblical accounts describing man’s origins and God’s creation of the universe can be trusted. Are the Biblical accounts accurate? Did the creation really occur? Was there really an Adam? an Eve? Was there really a world-wide global flood? There is amazing evidence that many miraculous events described in the Bible actually took place as described by the Bible. In this article we shall look at some of this evidence.

Can the Age of the Earth be Calculated?

Here is our Earth, a young planet.

Achbishop James Ussher has been the butt of more ridicule on the subject of suggesting a date for the creation of the world, and ultimately the universe, than anyone else in history. He proposed the date of October 23, 4004 BC, and this date appeared as a marginal footnote in many Bibles up until the mid twentieth century. What should we think about his work that brought him to this conclusion?

The Shroud of Turin

Is this the face of Jesus?

Figure 1 - Is this the face of Jesus?

In 1898 a photo was made for the first time of a piece of cloth. This specific cloth was thought by some to have the image of Jesus on it.

The photo was developed, and on the negative there appeared a much clearer image! In fact, the negative looked more like a normal photo would, and the photo (as well as the cloth itself) looked more like a negative!

What you see in the first photo above is a negative of a photo, not the photo itself.

Noah and Family: Myth, Legends, Ancient History and the Bible

What do ancient myths tell us about real history? Are myths distorted versions of real people and real events? Can we decode ancient mythology and find out anything about the past? Is there anything in ancient myths linking them with the Bible account?

Figure 1 - Dagon, a Philistine god who lived before and after the flood.