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Search Creation

This is a search engine for recent creation websites.


TASC, based in Raleigh NC, meets virtually via Zoom the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time. We publish monthly articles on all aspects of creation on our website. We are available to speak in churches and schools. Contact us via the contact form at or contact Dan Reynolds (919‐827‐2107) for more information. 

organization, website
TASC Newsletter periodical
The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth young earth article
The Battle for the Beginning

The Battle for the Beginning: Creation, Evolution, and the Bible by John MacAuthur (2001, Nelson). Mostly theological defense of the young earth position.

young earth, Bible book
The Creation Superstore

books and DVDs on creation related topics

The Genesis Account

The Genesis Account by Jonathan Sarfati (Creation Ministries International, 2015). Sarfati is a messianic Jew, PhD physical chemist, chess champion, and young earth creationist. This book is a theological and scientific commentary on Genesis 1-11.

Genesis book
The Genesis Debate

The Genesis Debate edited by David Hagopian (Crux Press, 2001). Subscribers of the young earth, progressive creation, and the framework hypothesis positions make their cases and respond to each other.

Genesis, young earth book
The Genesis Record

The Genesis Record by Henry Morris (Baker Books, 1976). Theological and scientific commentary on Genesis. Some of the science is dated, but the exegesis is amazing.

Genesis book
The Great Debate on Science and the Bible

Video Series: The Great Debate on Science and the Bible: Young Earth Vs Old Earth (available at Ken Ham debates Hugh Ross.

young earth video