The Great Debate on Science and the Bible
Video Series: The Great Debate on Science and the Bible: Young Earth Vs Old Earth (available at Ken Ham debates Hugh Ross.
Video Series: The Great Debate on Science and the Bible: Young Earth Vs Old Earth (available at Ken Ham debates Hugh Ross.
Is Genesis History? (Compass Cinema, 2017). Several PhD scientists explain why they believe Genesis is history and defend recent creation.
Mount Saint Helens, Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe (Institute for Creation Research). There is a 2012 version as well. A documentary hosted by creationist geologist Steve Austin. One of the best creation videos available.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (2014, Institute for Creation research). A 12-video series considering science and scripture. Great for Sunday School or home school.
Mysteries of the Megaflood (Nova, 2005). Not a creationist film, but shows evidence for catastrophic geological processes that even the secular community has acknowledged.
The Origin of Life: An Inside Story - 2016 Lectures (with James Tour). Tour, a messianic Jew and one of the best organic chemists of our day, discusses abiogenesis. (
Videos by Illustra Media ( Many high-quality videos supporting intelligent design
books and DVDs on creation related topics