Creation’s Tiny Mystery
Creation’s Tiny Mystery by Robert Gentry (available for free at Evidence for Noah's flood and instantaneous formation of the earth's bedrock from a scientist who published his results in Science and Nature.
Refuting Compromise
Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati (2011, Creation Book Publishers). A biblical and scientific refutation of progressive creationism by a physical chemist who is also a messianic Jew.
A Fortunate Universe
A Fortunate Universe by G. Lewis and L. Barnes (Cambridge University Press, 2016). An astronomer and astrophysicist explain how and why physics is fine tuned for life as we know it.
Restoring the Truth About Origins
Restoring the Truth About Origins, Books I and II. A collection of articles written by the board of the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC) on many creation related topics.
Is Genesis History?
Is Genesis History? (Compass Cinema, 2017). Several PhD scientists explain why they believe Genesis is history and defend recent creation.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (2014, Institute for Creation research). A 12-video series considering science and scripture. Great for Sunday School or home school.