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Title Sort descending Description Subject (topic) Type of resource URL(s)
The Young Earth

The Young Earth by John Morris (2007, Master Books). A PhD geologist surveys many scientific evidences supporting a recent creation.

young earth book
Theistic Evolution

Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique by multiple authors (Crossway, 2017).

evolution book
Thousands Not Billions

Thousands Not Billions by Don DeYoung (layman’s version of #5)

young earth book
Uncommon Descent intelligent design website
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (2014, Institute for Creation research). A 12-video series considering science and scripture. Great for Sunday School or home school.

creation, evolution, young earth video
Videos by Illustra Media

Videos by Illustra Media (  Many high-quality videos supporting intelligent design

intelligent design video, website