Biblical Creationism
Biblical Creationism by Henry Morris (Baker Books, 1993). Morris surveys every book of the bible for creation related passages and shows how they neatly fit the young-earth interpretation of Genesis 1-11.
Biblical Creationism by Henry Morris (Baker Books, 1993). Morris surveys every book of the bible for creation related passages and shows how they neatly fit the young-earth interpretation of Genesis 1-11.
The Genesis Debate edited by David Hagopian (Crux Press, 2001). Subscribers of the young earth, progressive creation, and the framework hypothesis positions make their cases and respond to each other.
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE, Volumes 1 and 2) edited by Larry Vardiman; (available for free at Young earth creation scientists did original research on radiometric dating. They found evidence for accelerated nuclear decay in the past and residual radiocarbon throughout the fossil record among other things.
Thousands Not Billions by Don DeYoung (layman’s version of #5)
The Battle for the Beginning: Creation, Evolution, and the Bible by John MacAuthur (2001, Nelson). Mostly theological defense of the young earth position.
The Young Earth by John Morris (2007, Master Books). A PhD geologist surveys many scientific evidences supporting a recent creation.
Restoring the Truth About Origins, Books I and II. A collection of articles written by the board of the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC) on many creation related topics.
Video Series: The Great Debate on Science and the Bible: Young Earth Vs Old Earth (available at Ken Ham debates Hugh Ross.
Is Genesis History? (Compass Cinema, 2017). Several PhD scientists explain why they believe Genesis is history and defend recent creation.
Mount Saint Helens, Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe (Institute for Creation Research). There is a 2012 version as well. A documentary hosted by creationist geologist Steve Austin. One of the best creation videos available.