The Origin of Birds - Recent Evidence Complicates Evolutionary Theories

"Scientists: Fossils prove that birds evolved from dinosaurs" was the headline of a 1998 article in CNN News (June 24, 1998). Referring to two dinosaur fossil finds, one of which is depicted below, paleontologist Philip Currie pronounced that "[t]his shows that dinosaurs are not extinct, but are well-represented by 10,000 species of birds."

Figure 1 - Artist drawing of Juravenator, a 2 1/2 feet long juvenile carnivorous dinosaur

Galapagos Islands: Did Darwin Really See Evolution in Action There?

The Galapagos archipelago (a chain of many islands) is made up of thirteen major islands located on the Equator about 600 miles west into the Pacific Ocean from the coast of Ecuador, South America. The Galapagos Islands are made up of thirteen major islands, six smaller islets, and fifty still smaller islets and rocky formations. 1

Extra-terrestrials and Unidentified Flying Objects: What Relation to Origins?

Evolutionary thinking has changed the way people have viewed not just the world and human origins but also the way they view the cosmos and everything that possibly exists within its confines.

Evolution being the "scientific" foundation accepted in today's world has logically led to the acceptance of life on other planets simply because if it happened here by chance, then it could happen many other places in the universe. Millions of dollars are spent every year in the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project to prove their existence, yet no hard evidence exists of life on other planets or that any planets actually exist outside of our solar system.