Comets - Their Silent Testimony
For ages, man has viewed comets with awe, even with fear. Comets are one of the most amazing phenomena to be seen in the sky. Often, comets have induced fear of possible portending doom. 1 Yet, comets are also arguably some of the most wonderful, majestic and beautiful spectacles ever seen in the sky, as you can see from the images in this article.
What Was Archaeopteryx?
For another view, see; both views, however, concur that archaeopteryx did not evolve and does not prove evolution occurred.
The following article is reprinted from the Center for Scientific Creation, It comes from the Frequently Asked Questions part of the book, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, by Dr. Walter T. Brown.
The Christ of Creation
I will begin by stating the mission of TASC: "to rebuild and strengthen the foundation of the Christian faith by increasing awareness of the scientific evidences supporting the literal Biblical account of creation and refuting evolution."
While the TASC Board invests considerable time and energy in pursuit of scientific evidences for explanations of the universe, earth, and life as we know it, we never want to lose sight of the importance of the Creator Himself, Jesus Christ. It is the constant desire of TASC to have all peoples recognize first and foremost the Creator Himself.
Radiocarbon Dating of Dinosaur Fossils
Dinosaurs supposedly died out 65 million years ago.
What if they didn’t?
Review of Stephen Meyer's New Book Darwin's Doubt
Darwin's Doubt: the Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design is Stephen Meyer's sequel to his previous book Signature in the Cell. 1