My Response to the So-Called RationalWiki

The so-called RationalWiki is an attempt to produce a Wikipedia based on “Rationalism,” a term that some atheists prefer because it avoids the negative stigma associated with the term “atheism.” I once accepted the so-called rational worldview and was very active in this movement. One reason I left the so-called Rational Movement was because of their appallingly irresponsible scholarship used to attack Christians and creationists of all stripes. The example reviewed in this article is from a post on the RationalWiki website entitled “Jerry Bergman.” 1

Discrimination Against Creationists in a Bioinformatics Lab

To the TASC reader: The following Letter to the Editor was submitted by Jerry Bergman, a colleague of the anonymous writer of the letter. The letter writer’s name was withheld at the writer’s request. The assertions, opinions, views, and claims expressed in the letter are not necessarily those of TASC. – Ed.


All of the claimed evidence for evolution, as defined in this paper, has been disproved by the peer reviewed literature including the fossil record  1 and the useless organs  2 and poor design claims.  3 The three pillars, abiogenesis, natural selection and mutations  4 have likewise been refuted as have the other major pillars including the taxonomy claim, homology, arguments against irreducible complexity, pseudogenes and endosymbiosis.  5

The books noted above are typical of the books on science for young people and irresponsibly indoctrinate young people to accept the secular worldview of atheistic evolution. All the evolutionary examples used in the books reviewed above are very problematic: the claims made have long ago been rejected by research, even by many evolutionists. ...

  • 1Bergman, Jerry. Fossil Forensics: Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, OK. 2019.
  • 2Bergman, Jerry. Useless Organs: The Rise and Fall of a Central Claim of Evolution. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Bartlett Publishing. revised version 2024. Revised edition 332 pages.
  • 3Bergman, Jerry. Poor Design. An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Bartlett Publishing. 2024. 230 pages. Revised edition
  • 4Bergman, Jerry The Three Pillars of Evolution Demolished: Why Darwin Was Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN. 2022.
  • 5Bergman, Jerry The Last Pillars of Evolution Falsified: Further Evidence Proving Darwinian Evolution Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN. 2022.