Lizards Evolving Placentas? The Debate Between Dr. Jerry Bergman Versus Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale: Common Design or Common Descent?

In a debate with Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale entitled Common Design or Common Descent? streamed on January 18, 2025, 1 when asked to provide an experiment that supports macroevolution, Cardinale stated that

It’s not an experiment, but it is a direct observation in nature; we have lizard populations that are right now in progress converting from laying eggs to giving live birth. That’s macroevolution by anyone’s standards. (1:44:35).

Where Does Morality Come From?

Can evolutionary thinking really explain the foundation for morality? Is morality just a form of behavior? According to biological interpretation morality is addressed solidly as a form of behavior and those behaviors are divided up into other behaviors. These behaviors include foraging, mating and nesting, play, grooming, securing territory, and other group interactions. According to biologists, nonhuman species may exhibit behavioral stages of evolutionary development concerning morality. Making morality as a form of behavior makes it possible to observe the development of morality in other species. It would not be known if the behavior is genetic in nature or environmental.

My Response to the So-Called RationalWiki

The so-called RationalWiki is an attempt to produce a Wikipedia based on “Rationalism,” a term that some atheists prefer because it avoids the negative stigma associated with the term “atheism.” I once accepted the so-called rational worldview and was very active in this movement. One reason I left the so-called Rational Movement was because of their appallingly irresponsible scholarship used to attack Christians and creationists of all stripes. The example reviewed in this article is from a post on the RationalWiki website entitled “Jerry Bergman.” 1