Review of Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species by Nathaniel T. Jeanson
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson's new book Replacing Darwin: the New Origin of Species 1 was released in October of 2017. Jeanson holds a doctorate in cell and developmental biology from Harvard (2009). He joined the staff at the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) in 2009 but has since moved to Answers in Genesis (AIG) where he is a research biologist, author, and speaker. Jeanson has written numerous lay articles, book chapters, and technical papers in secular and creationist journals. 2 He has also debated several evolutionists. 3
In Replacing Darwin, Jeanson shows how the known data and principles of genetics fit biblical history as understood by young earth creationists (YECs). He develops a testable model of speciation consistent with Genesis and makes predictions. Jeason provides sufficient backgrounds in basic biochemistry and genetics for non-specialists to grasp his arguments. He has uncovered interesting relationships between speciation and time for several biological families.
The book includes copious endnotes and graphical illustrations, references, a glossary, but no index.
The following review will cover the book chapter by chapter.
The Ear: Evolved or Designed? - Part 1
Previously I wrote an article about how the complexity of the human ear implies a designer rather than evolutionary origin. Evolutionists attempt to explain the existence of such complex organs by gradual changes over time. In this article I would like to explore the diversity of hearing organs in different creatures and discuss whether there is evidence of gradual changes in different organisms which would lend credence to evolutionary theory or if the diversity of ears is evidence for the improbability of evolution and evidence of design by a Creator.
The Value of Reading Theology and Church History
The Value of Reading Theology
Theology can be defined as “intellectual or rational (‘reasoned’) discourse about God or things divine.” 1 It is an expression of beliefs regarding God, man, the meaning of life, the origin and fate of the world, and the afterlife.
Creation Hermeneutics: The Role of Science
As Christians, we believe the Bible is the Word of God without error in the original manuscripts. We trust that God has overseen the preservation of the texts. There are some minor differences among the many available copies, but those differences don’t affect any major doctrines. The extant copies are so numerous and similar that what was in the originals is often discernible. The canon of scripture is closed. So we have a reliable Word that we are commanded to study and live by.
The Big Stretch - Part 4 - Scientific Evidence
One might wonder whether there is any science to support the model described in the earlier articles in the Big Stretch series, especially after seeing how much it agrees with the Bible. In this short article, we take a look at the scientific evidence for this model.
This article is part of a continuing series about a cosmological model that integrates 2 scientific fields, each based on work of multiple Nobel prize winners. The resulting model, referred to here as the Setterfield model or the Setterfield ZPE-plasma model, is not only in agreement with laboratory results and astronomical observations, but is in amazing agreement with the oldest texts of Genesis. Last month we reviewed evidence for the agreement of this model with the Bible. That included the sun forming on day 4 of creation week, light on day 1, and the earth forming before the sun. See part 3 of the series ( for more Biblical evidence, and part 1 ( for a general introduction to this model.