Creation and Resurrection
Creation and Resurrection 1
By Henry Morris, PhD 2
The two greatest events in the history of the cosmos were, first of all, its supernatural creation and, secondly, the resurrection of its Creator from the dead. The evidence for each, to one whose mind and heart are open to evidence, is overwhelming. All true science points to creation, and the best-proved fact of history is the resurrection. The Bible, of course, teaches that both are vitally true, vitally important and vitally related, but even to one who does not believe the Bible, the evidence is still unanswerable. He may reject it, but he cannot refute it.
Evolution - Impossible to Embarass its Believers
Written by Henry Morris, PhD
Introduction and Tribute: by Mark Stephens, MCS, former Chairman and current board member of TASC
Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Late Founder and President Emeritus of ICR