Evolution Facts Website
This is the home of a much information, including a 3 volume encyclopedia, Scientific Facts Against Evolution. Also there is a 965 page downloadable PDF book, The Evolution Cruncher.
This is the home of a much information, including a 3 volume encyclopedia, Scientific Facts Against Evolution. Also there is a 965 page downloadable PDF book, The Evolution Cruncher.
300 + Gigabytes of content related to creation, much of it available in multiple languages.
Genetic Entropy by John Sanford (2014, FMS Publications). Former Cornell professor explains why macroevolution is impossible from a genetic perspective.
Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati (2011, Creation Book Publishers). A biblical and scientific refutation of progressive creationism by a physical chemist who is also a messianic Jew.
Heretic: One Scientist's Journey from Darwin to Design by Matti Leisola (Discovery Institute Press, 2018). A former atheist turned young earth creationist tells his story and lays out the case against Darwinism and for design.
Echoes of the Jurassic: Discoveries of Dinosaur Soft-Tissue (2nd Edition) by Kevin Anderson (CRS Books, 2017). This book is a summary of work done in this area by secular and creation scientists. The implications of intact dinosaur tissue and molecules (proteins) are discussed. (available from https://creationsuperstore.com/)
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design (Harper One, 2013) by Stephen Meyers. Meyers examines the Cambrian Explosion in light of biological information.
Contested Bones (Master Books, 2017) by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford. An up-to-date review of the fossil and molecular evidence supporting the special creation of humans.
Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique by multiple authors (Crossway, 2017).