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Does "Neutral Ground" Really Exist? Phil Johnson MCE
The Foundation of Logic in the Nature of God Henry W. Middleton PhD
Creation and Resurrection Henry Morris PhD
Abortion: Creation View of the Value of Life Matt Promise BS
A Review of "The End of Christianity" by William A. Dembski Dan Reynolds PhD
Radical Differences Between Human and Chimp Y Chromosomes Open a Bounty of Research Rabbit Holes for Scientists to Plunder Jeff Gift PhD
Some Foundations of Creation Beliefs Mark Stephens MCS
What is Apologetics? Henry W. Middleton PhD
Catastrophic Geologic Evidences in Ecuador, Part 3: Tungurahua's Basaltic Columns Javier Valdivieso MS
The Hydroplate Theory and The Great Flood Walter Brown PhD
Limitations of Science David Plaisted PhD
Red Shift Riddles David Plaisted PhD
How Did This Happen? Phil Johnson MCE
Can Radiometric Dating Be Inaccurate? Joe Spears MS
"Sola Scriptura": Our Standard for Theology Henry W. Middleton PhD
A Review and Response to the Book "The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking Dan Reynolds PhD
The Chimp to Human Evolution Model One Year Later Jeff Gift PhD
Designed Interactions between Fungi, Plants, and Animals Gerald Van Dyke PhD
Creation Account of Genesis: Does it Matter What Our Children Think About It? Mark Stephens MCS
Can the Age of the Earth be Calculated? Phil Johnson MCE
The Grand Design and Free Will Henry W. Middleton PhD
Implication of Finding Noah's Ark Javier Valdivieso MS
Evolution - a Proven Fact? Joe Spears MS
Radioactive Decay Rates May Change David Plaisted PhD
Mammoth Mystery Joe Spears MS
Was There Death Before Sin? Phil Johnson MCE
Intelligent Design is Peer-Reviewed, but is Peer-Review a Requirement of Good Science? Casey Luskin MS
TASC Activities 2012 TASC
A Review of Lawrence Krauss's Book, A Universe from Nothing Dan Reynolds PhD
Geological Unconformities: What Are They and How Much Time Do They Represent? Everett Coates BS