God vs Design in "The Grand Design"

In The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present religion and science as rivals and give the impression that they are irreconcilable. The following quotes present such an opposition, and they reveal an antagonism toward religion in the authors:

Ignorance of nature’s ways led people in ancient times to invent gods to lord it over every aspect of human life. 1

Miraculous Failed Invasion of Sennacherib

Assyrian prism

Clay prism describing Sennacherib's siege on Jerusalem

One question often heard concerning creation and man’s origins, as well as life’s origins, is whether Biblical accounts describing man’s origins and God’s creation of the universe can be trusted. Are the Biblical accounts accurate? Did the creation really occur? Was there really an Adam? an Eve? Was there really a world-wide global flood? There is amazing evidence that many miraculous events described in the Bible actually took place as described by the Bible. In this article we shall look at some of this evidence.

The Bible and the "Problem" of Time

Modern science makes bold insistence that it alone has, in the last 250 years or so, unlocked the true formula for determining the age of creation. Christians under the influence of this thinking go along with the assumption that the creation account in Genesis is not already clear when read in its most simple and straightforward manner. They do this by isolating Genesis 1 from the rest of Scripture so the account of creation can be dismantled piecemeal and reconstructed in whatever way is necessary to conform to the wending ways of modern science. Rather than Scripture shedding light on science, modern science becomes the light by which all other things must be understood.

Sharing Our Creation / Creation Science Message

For this month’s newsletter article I will take the opportunity to share two creation / creation science messages that will help you become equipped to share and encourage you to share with others. One is The Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC) upcoming, September 8, Origins 2012 Conference. The other will be a personal sharing experience with my nephew which represents our critical need to share with our youth and adults in these challenging times when the worldviews are influencing us and causing many to give up our faith in God our Creator.