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We will present a number of evidences that the entire geological column, from Cambrian on upwards, was laid down in a few thousand years.  This does not establish the age of the earth or the universe directly.
It appears that decay was faster during the Flood.  This accelerated decay would have increased temperatures in the earth’s crust and may have caused the Flood.
The question is why isotopic dates give such old ages.  In the past Creationists often said it was because the system was disturbed. There may have been daughter substance present initially or parent substance may have been removed, for example.  However geologists have been careful to account for such possibilities.  Now creationists tend to believe the explanation is different.
Decay takes place by two processes.  The first is alpha decay.  Note that an alpha particle is created.  This is the nucleus of a helium atom, so helium is produced by alpha decay.
Beta decay produces neutrinos, which we will discuss later.  It also produces electrons or positrons.
Zircons are used for isotopic dating because their crystal structure incorporates uranium but not lead, making them suitable for uranium-lead dating.  Zircons have zirconium in them.  They are often used for jewelry.  The zircon at the right was dated to about 4 billion years.
This paper discusses the helium produced by alpha decay.
The helium should have diffused out of the zircons over such a long time period.
This shows that alleged isotopic dates of 1.5 billion years correspond to true dates of between 4,000 and 14,000 years. However these results do not yet show that even older dates are in this time range.  It would be interesting to test zircons having even older isotopic dates to see how much helium they contain.
Another evidence for a recent creation is produced by carbon 14 dates.
Here we have additional evidence that samples alleged to be hundreds of millions of years old are in fact 60,000 years or less old.
If decay was accelerated the true age would be even less than 60,000 years.
This carbon 14 is usually claimed to be contamination.  But this cannot be true.
It is thought that the biomass before the flood was 100 times or more what it is today.  This would further dilute carbon 14 by a factor of 100, which is equivalent to 6 or 7 half lives.  This would increase carbon 14 ages by about 40,000 years.  Also, there may have been less carbon 14 in the atmosphere before the Flood.
This paper also gives evidence for a past acceleration in radioactive decay.
When a whole rock isochron and a mineral isochron agree, one has very strong evidence that the system has not been disturbed and that the isotopic date is genuine.  But there are still disagreements between different methods!
The only way two such well established dates could disagree is if the decay rates differed in the past.
Mitochondria: organelles in the cell that convert energy to produce ATP (site for cell respiration)
The mitochondria, in the cytoplasm of the cell, have DNA.  They are the energy factories of the cell.  There is also DNA in the nucleus that mutates much slower.
This is sensational evidence that life is young but it has been virtually ignored.
Dalrymple claims no changes in the decay constants have been detected, but he admits puzzling irregularities in decay.
In fact, when the nucleus gets excited, it takes time for it to settle down.  This means that rates of decay may have been faster for some time after the Flood.
Supernovae produce pulsars.
Note the ring structure and beams of radiation coming out from the poles.  This is an X ray picture.
Another supernova.
We have evidence that supernovae occurred near the earth in the past.
I wonder if this supernova will have some influence on last day events on earth.
I believe the Vela pulsar is still the largest source of gamma radiation in the night sky.  It’s a “smoking gun.”  Jueneman was the first to suggest a link between this pulsar and an acceleration of decay (Industrial Research, about 1972).
Note the ring structure and a beam of radiation along a diagonal.   This is an X ray picture.
A diagram of the location of the Vela pulsar and its relation to Earth.
Comets are essentially frozen mud.  When a comet is heated by the sun some of the water vaporizes and dust escapes.  This is what makes comets visible to us.  Each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it loses 5 to 10 % of its material.  Astronomers have even seen them break up into pieces as they go around the sun.  At this rate they couldn't last more than 100,000 years.  Some of the short-orbit comets couldn't last more than 10,000 years old.  If so, how could there be any comets left after 5 billion years?
The Kuiper belt is the supposed origin of the short period comets.  The Oort cloud is also believed to originate comets.
Perhaps the asteroid belt was a planet that broke up when decay accelerated during the Flood, and is the origin of the comets.
Geologists have found a puzzling correlation between heat flow out of the ground, and the presence of radioative elements near the surface.  This should not be so if decay has proceeded slowly for millions of years.  A better explanation is that the pulse of heat from an interval of accelerated decay, has not entirely dissipated.
The ages given for several adjacent geological periods using squashed Polonium haloes are nearly identical.
The creation message is part of the last day message that reaches the world before Jesus comes again.  Jesus also said in Matthew 24:14 that the gospel would go to all the world before Jesus comes.  I believe that this new evidence will give power to the gospel message and hasten the return of Christ.