Evolution’s Fake News: There is a Mechanism to Drive Macroevolutional Change

The term, and even the concept, of “fake news” is a relatively new phenomenon in the context of political journalism. In the past, “news casts” were thought to be objective reporting of the facts regarding the news of the day by unbiased journalists seeking only to discover the truth. For instance, in the 1970s almost no American would have questioned the veracity of any report coming from the lips of Walter Cronkite. Much has changed since those days! Only the most naïve of American citizens believe they can blindly trust the words of political journalists. We realize that almost all reporting comes with the particular “spin” of the journalist and network reporting on the news of the day.

Creation and Information

With the advent of the Information Age, scientists have learned how to measure information quantitatively in units called bits. In principle, the quantitative information content of any object or event, be it artificial or natural in origin, can be determined. Objects that contain information in the form of languages or codes (such as DNA) are most amenable to information measurement. Recently, intelligent design theorist William Dembski has proposed a method for detecting a type of information called complex specified information or CSI. 1

William Dembski, color

The Amazing Parathyroid Gland: Small but Mighty!

Most individuals are familiar with the major organs of the human body such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. However, fewer people are knowledgeable about the smaller organs such as the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the lymph nodes, or the parathyroid glands, even though their functions are still vital for life. This article examines the tiny parathyroid glands and their physiologic role and importance to our bodies.

Neck anatomy